Descriptive Reflection: Self-intro letter

Dear Professor Brad,

My name is Aanandkumar Hari, from your class on Critical Thinking and Communicating and this is my introductory letter. I am a former Digital and Precision Engineering student from NYP (Nanyang Polytechnic). I am currently a first-year Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering student at SIT (Singapore Institute of Technology). 

My hobbies include gaming, designing, playing football, gymming, and watching basketball. 

My interest in engineering stems from my lifelong love of cars and mechanical products. For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by machinery. While most kids watched Tom and Jerry, I watched programs like "How It's Made" and "Myth-Busters". 

I find the opportunity to unlock a brighter future by solving current world problems through engineering extremely enticing and life-giving. My dream is to someday produce a car of my own.  

In terms of communication, my biggest flaw is my shyness and stage fright. This is a result of many prior bad experiences on stage and in my secondary school life.

However, for every weakness, there is a strength. 

I can say that I am quite articulate, as a result of my upbringing. Me speaking good English was a priority for my parents. Since both my parents were professionals, they understood the value of being able to converse effectively both in a personal and professional capacity.  

In this module, I aim to overcome my shyness and stage fright and improve my public speaking, along with growing my communication acumen in a professional capacity.

I am quite hopeful that I will succeed in achieving my aim due to my willingness to try, even if it results in failure. Growth and change are never easy. but having overcome many trials and tribulations in the past, I am excited to see what I can learn from this course and from you.

yours sincerely, 

Aanandkumar Hari


  1. In terms on content, Kumar hit the nail by answering all the questions that were asked of him. He gave a brief introduction of himself, followed by talking about what his strengths and weaknesses are. He links his childhood by saying that whatever he experienced has molded him into the person he is today. Good job Kumar!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The letter is well written as Kumar provided context for each paragraph. He managed to utilise a wide range of vocabulary as well as organised the different points into smaller paragraphs making it easy to read. He shares interesting information such as how he was influenced from what he watched since he was a child. Well done Kumar :)

  4. This letter is well done! The content covers all your bases and gives me a good general idea of who you are and what motivates you. The vocabulary demonstrated is strong and the sentences flow well.

  5. Hi Kumar, your letter is well written and structured. Easy to understand and points were stated clearly. I'll have to agree with renee on the organisation of the letter. Good job!

    1. Thank you for your costrucitve feedback Asyraf!

  6. Dear Kumar,

    Thank you for the informative letter. Your content matches the assignment brief, you present your thoughts in a clear manner -- though the paragraphing can be improved -- and the language use is quite good. You've also shared interesting details about your interest in cars and home environment and how that has impacted both your skills development and your goals, which allows us readers to gain a clearer understanding of what makes you the person you've become.

    You also express a desire to improve in areas like presenting and professonal communication, which will be important as you move forward on your study and eventual career path.

    There are a few areas in this letter that require review:
    1. use of caps
    -- former Digital and Precision Engineering student > (title ?)
    -- a first-year Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering student > ?
    -- but having overcome .... > (sentence initial word?)
    -- yours sincerely, > ?

    2. inconsistency in punctuation
    -- While most kids watched Tom and Jerry, I watched programs like "How It's Made" and "Myth-Busters". > (programme title?) ?

    3. paragraphing
    -- You can paragraph related ideas together more effectively.

    I look forward to learning more about you this term.



    1. Thank you prof for the detailed feedback. I will internalise and improve these areas.


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